Thursday, March 3, 2016

Tim Holtz Crazy Birds Thank You Card

Hello my craftin' friends. I really miss you guys. I have been stressing out and really excited at the same time. I am in the process of buying my very first home so I have had very little time for crafting. I actually just got back from the states house hunting. I am one tired sister. I looked at so many houses in a short period of time, in the end it came down to two homes and I made my decision based off location to family.  It doesn't seem real that I am actual purchasing my own home. I will post some pictures soon. Today I made a thank you card to say thank you to my fellow craftin' friends for your understanding of me not posting on my blog lately and probably the next couple months as I prepare for my move to Alexandria, VA in about 60 days. I really appreciate all of your support. Thank you very much. Please email me or leave me a comment if you would like information on how I made this card. I hope you all will have a great weekend and bless someone with an act of kindness.


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