Monday, November 2, 2015

Hello my craftin' friends. I hope everyone had a great weekend and their week is off to a good start. I can hardly believe it is November already, this year has zoomed by.  Since it is November and I know everyone is trying to get their Thanksgiving and Christmas cards done, I have a Thanksgiving card for you.

 I use the FAB Friday sketch challenge for my card inspiration. There are a lot of challenges out there to help inspire you to make beautiful handmade cards and my goal is to participate in them more often. If you are looking for sketches, I personally go on Pinterest and do a search for color challenges or sketch challenges.  For this card I used the Stampin' Up Among the Branches stamp set for the greeting. I went in my paper stash for the designer series paper, I know we all have plenty of that we are hoarding. This paper comes from the Carta Bella A Perfect Autumn  6 x 6  paper pad. The miniature leaves actually came from some Thanksgiving table scatter. As always I hope you have a great day and that you will bless someone with a homemade card. If you have questions please leave me a comment or send me an email. I would love to hear from you.

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