Saturday, November 21, 2015

Stampin' Up Among the Branches

Happy Saturday my craftin' friends! We are less than a week away from Thanksgiving and I am so excited. Even though this Thanksgiving I won't be with my family and it will be a little sad, I still thank God for my military family here with me. As for my family at home, this will be the first Thanksgiving my young adults will celebrate on their own without either parent. I am happy to report that they are making a dinner with turkey, ham, and the works, I am so proud of them! Enough of that, today I have another fall card for you guys. The Stampin' Up Woodland Textured embossing folder has been on back order for awhile and I finally received mine. I have seen so many awesome cards made using this embossing folder and the Among the Branches stamp set. This stamp set has been used to create Halloween, fall, winter and Christmas cards making it very versatile. For my card, I embossed it first with the Woodland Embossing folder and then I used Tim Holtz Distress inks along with Stampin' Up inks for the background and the stamping of the leaves. The maple leaf is cut using the Simon Says Stamp Stitched Grand Maple Die. Lastly, I tied a bow using Stampin' Up Tangerine Tango twine.  Thanks for stopping by today and hope you will bless someone with a homemade card. Tarsha

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